Status Bar

The Status bar at the bottom of LEGION 3D interface displays information regarding (from left to right):

  • The dimension, in pixels, of your current view, for example 800x400.
  • The current time and time frame within the visualisation.
  • The number of frames played so far.
  • The number of Entities currently within the visualisation, including clones.
  • E–the number of Entities currently displayed.
  • O–the number of objects currently displayed (buildings, floors, etc.).
  • P–the number of polygons currently rendered in the playback.
  • S–the number of segments currently rendered in the playback.
  • F/s–a reminder of the frame rate per second.
  • Online (.ora) or Playback (’res’) status of the visualisation.

The more polygons and segments displayed, the slower the playback may run. These statistics indicate whether you should consider changing how you render objects and Entities.